Saturday, 27 June 2009


Just some random posts of what happened recently.

Father's day: A busy day~~From morning until night time, from market to RedBox, from RedBox to De Pastry Chef, and till the celebrations at home, had 2 cakes>>German Cheese & Fruit Cocktails, was soooo nice =)

Farewell for Pin Zhen(26 June '09): A very simple yet meaningful farewell. Had lots of fun inside his room, whole group being sampat =P To PZ: Wishing you all the besstt in Kelantan, good luck and enjoy your study trip!!!=)

Monday, 15 June 2009




总觉得,好像已结束,I need some help, can anyone lend me your hand out there?

Sunday, 14 June 2009


Preparing myself for tomorrow's work, heard that most of my collegue decided and planning to resign, 5 staffs, 2 confirm going, one is still thinking of resignation, one is searching for another alternative and will leave once he found it(me=P), left with..the head of my department~ Hoping to get rid of these a.s.a.p~

Alex is coming back on 19 this month, gonna find his mum to settle something before he is here.

Okay, thats all for today.

Sunday, 7 June 2009



成绩公布了,被人“老点”,说我考得很不错,有A有B,让我高兴了两天,查清楚后,才发现,根本就没预期的好,而且也破了我的底线,在学院有史以来...第一颗C,早不来,迟不来,最后学期才来,之前的努力全泡汤,整个人好像没了魂似的,开始担心了起来,担心在大学得从拿那一颗,要是(touch wood)真的要从拿...一定会多过一年半,学费也理所当然的会增加,压力也开始来..很想去,但深怕家人负担大(虽说他们老是说没问题),如果放弃,又觉得很不甘心,继续,又很不安心(好多东西..放不下似的)。

明天又要工作了,啊~~~!做一份自己完全没兴趣,不专长,压力大的工作,还真“刺激”噢~是贪方便才去做的啦。刚好座位也是全场最冷,冷死人不偿命的那种(冷到没人坐,丢给我这块新猪肉坐=.=#),别问为什么我不去调冷气温度,公司的那位上司,说调高温度她会觉得很闷热(明明就还冷啊),算~反正我只是一个微不足道的新猪肉~左手已经半年了,还没好,在冷气直接命中的情况下,真的..双手冰到疆起来,左手的伤也不时传来剧痛..家人说过几天带我去看看什么什么的,不知道是铁打还是什么的..这个月,将全面停止健身(重量训练),希望能快快好起来,本尊已经准备好要买新一桶的Whey Protein,手啊手,听话啦~拜托啦=.="

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


The 1st day after all, the 1st day I've started to sacrifice my freedom, sacrificed most of my time to enjoy, for the reason of...$$$ =.=" It's all about $$$, in overall, the job was...quite..okay, ma ma dei for me (kept yawning half way before got assigned to some tasks)~~~

Went to 1U yesterday, for Night in the Museum 2. The movie was quite nice in overall, good story, graphics and soundtracks! Liked the 'More than a woman' sung by the cupids in movie, LOL~