Friday, 9 November 2007

Don't Really know the Title...

Haven't been updating my blog for few days... Well, just finished my group presentation, although it wasn't that great but we have done our best... In the pass of these few days, I've been watching and old animation which called 'Slam Dunk'. I'm sure all of you know about that animation, it's really old, but it's very nice. Especially the endings of every match, although not wining ending every time but the scenes are very touching, they have no regrets due to their hard work during training. Sometimes can feel my tears are gonna come out during the ending... Okay, it's 12.45am in the morning now, it's Friday already. Few hours ago, a friend of mine nudged me in MSN, which is quite rare for the action. He was asking me whether want to go out for a gathering on this Saturday, but... I can't even I really want to do so, because I'm working on every weekend. Sad to say so... Talk about my classmates... I don't know what the hell is going on now, seems like 80% of my classmates are suffering for 'love'... Sounds so geli... But the major ones are suffering for their ex... Sometimes I'm wondering, if you like the girl so much, why would you break up with her? and make yourself suffer after that. Why is everyone suffering and think about the word 'love' now? Can't you live without it? Maybe I'm just the one who don't care about all these stuffs... For me, it's wasting time and everything... I will not do the same mistakes again...

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